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written by Sam Greenspan

We count down the little and not-so-little things we hate waiting for, from flights to doctors to money.

Checking in from rainy Sweden, we’ve got a brand new episode of the 11 Points Countdown. Although the fact that I’m in Sweden and posting this episode that’s set in the same place as all the other episodes may be a tip off that this was taped a little while back. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

My guest this week is Danny Abrahms, a comic and the creator of the popular web series Self Help. We’re breaking down the results of my poll on the things you hate waiting for the most.

If you like the Countdown, please take a sec and subscribe. Thanks!

As a complementary article wich is also the result of a survey from Timex, check out my post on 11 Things We Hate Waiting For and How Long Before We Freak Out.

Here are the full results of the poll (highlight the first 11 to avoid spoilers)…

  1. Late friends/family members
  2. Your significant other to get ready
  3. Traffic
  4. To be seated at a restaurant
  5. Doctor to finally see you at his office
  6. Machines at the gym
  7. Internet to come back when it goes down
  8. Package from a place that doesn’t do 2-day shipping
  9. Your paycheck to come
  10. Hearing from someone you went on a date with
  11. Late flights
  12. Youtube videos to load
  13. Response to an important email
  14. The bus/train/subway
  15. Your check at a restaurant when you’re done eating
  16. Someone to respond to a text
  17. Airport security
  18. To hear if you got a job or not
  19. The next iPhone to come out already
  20. Your deposits to clear at the bank so you can actually use the money
  21. Test results from the doctor
  22. Movies to start after previews/commercials
  23. Candy Crush lives to replenish
  24. Hangover to go away
  25. Baggage to come out at the airport
  26. Previews you can’t skip through at the beginning of a DVD